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WiFi Hopper 1.2 User Manual

Main Window

Status Text

Displays information about the last significant operation performed by WiFi Hopper. The initial part of the status text contains the time the operation was performed in the format HH:MM:SS. This is followed by a description of the outcome of the event. For example, when connecting to a network, the status text will display information about the progress of the operation.

Network List

The network list is the main component of application. It contains the list of detected networks. The list may be reduced because of applied filters. Additionally, the networks may have colored backgrounds based on the options selected. You can choose which columns are displayed in the network list by either right clicking on the headers or by using the Column Selection Window. Below is a description of each of the columns:

Scanning Button

Controls the scanning performed by WiFi Hopper. When scanning is stopped, WiFi Hopper,

Note that despite stopping scanning operations, WiFi Hopper continues to query the driver for information related which network the device is associated with. The same button is used to resume scanning once it is stopped.

Device Selection Menu

This menu lists all the detected networking devices on the system. It contains both wireless and non-wireless devices. When a new device is selected from the menu, WiFi Hopper attempts to perform scanning using the newly selected device.

Note that the list of networks is not cleared when a new device is selected.

Register Now Button

This button is only visible in the trial version. It brings up the About Window which can be used to register WiFi Hopper.

Table of Contents
Last Updated on May 14, 2007 © 2007 Divya Thakur